What a wonderful Mother's Day! The sun was shining and it was just the right temperature. Going to church was the best antidote for me to get over my frustration with the pool people. Actually I think I felt better after writing my feelings in the last post. Sorry I'm using this as therapy! :) But guess what happened when I got home from spending time with the Lord's people? The pool people came to drain the water and prepare the pool for the liner tomorrow. I wasn't rude and I felt God gave me the right words and they received them well. They assured me that all will be taken care of and the pool will be ready by the weekend. Providing the weather doesn't turn wild on us. And I put my trust in them.
I know some of you may think that I am weird to think the Lord answered my prayer for wisdom in how to handle this. But I believe He helped because I asked. He knew I would make a total fool of myself and I am thankful He interceded. There was a lesson in all this I am sure, but right now I don't know what it is....it'll hit me later.
Then 3 of my 4 sons and my 2 grandchildren came for the afternoon. We enjoyed a meal and a walk along the river. Oh' I love my children ...I missed our youngest son and his wife. But I will see them next weekend. Spending time with family reminds me that we use the pool to gather us together in the summer but it is just a pool and not what makes the times good. It is being with the people I love that is most important. As we talked about in Sunday School class, our reality is in the heavenly realm with Christ and this world and everything in it will one day be gone, but we will live on in the spirit.
My Interpretation:
Trust God to give you the right words to say...and then say them with grace.
Hebrews 1:1-4 In God alone we trust!
1 day ago
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