In very plain and simple terms, so I can understand, I will share with you what I have learned lately about the "happy hormone" called serotonin. I watched a video regarding depression and Dr. Hagar said that men make more serotonin than women, but the estrogen in women acts as a multiplier of the serotonin which then gives us as much as men. But what happens when our estrogen levels in our cycle so we will have our periods...and when we go into menopause, we experience depression. Now some of us may feel down for a few days and then perk back up, but some of us, especially during menopause, experience severe depression. Again there is so much more to it than what I have written so get on the Internet and check menopause out for yourself.
Don't for a moment, think you are going crazy or you're the only one struggling with your raging emotions and physical changes . Find a friend (preferably one who has already gone through menopause) to invite over for a cup of coffee or tea and conversation. Keep your ears open and when you hear ladies talking about it, ask them questions. Ask your mom how she coped in her later years. My mother never really talked about any problems but honestly I don't think she had time with six kids to tell us what was going on with her body. And I wasn't interested then, but now I am and she is glad to share with me. If you need someone to talk to email me or leave a comment and I 'll get up with you. There is no reason to go it alone!
I have a few websites to check out that sound pretty good about menopause. If they are worth the trip to the site I'll post thier URL in my next blog. I don't want to pass on anything that takes up your time. Thanks for stopping by and reading my thoughts.
My Interpretation:
Life is hard sometimes but when you have someone who can help you navigate through the storm, it gives you clearer vision and a brighter day. God is so good to give us woman who have been there done that and don't mind sharing what they've done.
Hebrews 1:1-4 In God alone we trust!
1 day ago
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