Saturday, May 30, 2009

God-given talents are to be shared!

My sister has a wonderful artistic talent that she uses to bless her family and friends. She composed my new header and I am so thankful! That is me looking over the Roanoke River yet it is really a composite of pictures. I wish you could see the scrapbooks that she has put together...they are amazing and her Christmas cards are better than Hallmark's. She could be a highly paid graphic designer! You can check out her website at .

God has given each of us a talent. I can hear some of you saying that He must have skipped over you and gave someone else your portion. Listen, there are women who can whip up a meal for fifty people without event thinking about it. I on the other hand, sweat over a cookout for four. I plan the menu days in advance and try to figure out what can be prepared early and then worry about how to keep the food warm so I can serve it all at the same time. I feel more comfortable speaking in front of 500 ladies than cook for 5. Please don't think that when I invite you over for dinner that I won't enjoy it because I will. The focus will be on conversation not on food!

Another talent I envy is making small talk. Now I can talk and talk when I am familiar with you, (probably more than you want to hear). I remember when my grandma Wildermuth went with me to the hospital when my son had pneumonia. Several young moms were upset and all alone as they stood by the beds of their young children with various medical problems. It didn't take Grandma very long before she made contact with everyone in the room and they were smiling and laughing and giving her hugs. I have to admit that at first I was a little embarrassed by her boldness but then I realized God had given her the gift of hospitality.

So look within and find your talent, your gift from God, that you can use to show His love to others. If your talent happens to be cleaning house and you want to express house is open! Just kidding!

My Interpretation:

Open your mind to what talent God has given you. Be thankful and then bless someone!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Slideshow: 10 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

Slideshow: 10 Ways to Boost Your Metabolism

Shared via AddThis

Friendly Ostrich Rider

This is a tribute to a great young man that will be graduating next month from high school. He is the brother of my daughter-in-law and a student in my high school Sunday School class. He has a wonderful sense of humor and I am sure he will have a fun time in college! If you see this ostrich rider please let him know you saw him on my blog...
I have been thinking a lot about the kids graduating this year from high school and college and how their plans for the future probably changed from last year. With the economy taking a dive and now in a recovery that is slower than a southern drawl, (if in fact it is recovering) it is difficult to start a career and some will settle for any job to make ends meet. Those that aren't going to college will be looking for work that will provide a substantial income while the college bound teens will need summer jobs to make some extra cash. The advice we gave our UNC graduate was to go back and get his Masters. He thankfully has been able to start his own company and is doing ok. The entrepreneurs may be the ones to make the economy turn around by providing jobs for others.
With people like my friend who calls me Grandma Barb, we will surely have some good laughs to keep us cheered up. I really like being around his family because of their ability to make the ordinary and mundane events of life into funny stories of human nature. I'm glad God made some people funny!
My Interpretation:
Even though I am old enough to be his grandma...he still calls me his friend....and I am thankful for his friendship.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Resistance Training - 1 Peter

Resistance training is a form of strength training in which each effort is performed against a specific opposing force generated by resistance (i.e. resistance to being pushed, squeezed, stretched or bent). Exercises are isotonic if a body part is moving against the force. Exercises are isometric if a body part is holding still against the force. Resistance exercise is used to develop the strength and size of skeletal muscles. Properly performed, resistance training can provide significant functional benefits and improvement in overall health and well-being.

The goal of resistance training, according to the American Sports Medicine Institute (ASMI), is to "gradually and progressively overload the musculoskeletal system so it gets stronger." Research shows that regular resistance training will strengthen and tone muscles and increase bone mass. Resistance training should not be confused with weightlifting, power lifting or bodybuilding, which are competitive sports involving different types of strength training with non-elastic forces such as gravity (weight training or plyometrics) an immovable resistance (isometrics, usually the body's own muscles or a structural feature such as a door frame). Full range of motion is important in resistance training because muscle overload occurs only at the specific joint angles where the muscle is worked.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Resistance training strengthens bones, joints, and muscles. Perform resistance training three times per week, resting one to two days before working the same muscles again.

1 Peter 1:6-9 "In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, so that the proof of your faith, {being} more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ; and though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and though you do not see Him now, but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, obtaining as the outcome of your faith the salvation of your souls."

To me, Peter is saying that even though we may not like the resistance training that we are going to go through, it is for our benefit and to bring glory to God (when we handle our trials and sufferings rightly). 1Peter 1:7

Peter gives us examples of the weights of the opposing force and how it will help us to get rid of the toxins in our bodies and build up our muscles of faith. As one body the church in the NT grew under persecutions and because of persecutions. We see this happening in countries such as India and Haiti….the church is growing as Christians families and homes are being destroyed.

Our ‘weights’ could be:
Grief in all kinds of trials – 1 Peter 1:6
Painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. 1Pt 4:12
Insulted because of the name of Christ 1Peter 4:14
Suffering as a Christian (not as a murderer, thief or criminal) 1Peter 4:15

"Be self controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of sufferings. And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. To Him be the power for ever and ever. Amen" 1Peter 5:8-11

Our training should include:
1. prepare our minds
2. be self-controlled
3. set our hope on Christ
4. be obedient
5. don’t conform to evil desires
6. be holy live as strangers here in reverent fear
7. purify yourself by obeying the truth
8. love one another deeply
9. submit to the Father and each other

Get rid of:
1. All malice
2. Deceit
3. Hypocrisy
4. Envy
5. Slander of every kind
6. Sinful desires

My Interpretation:

I must train every single day because I get flabby and out of shape really quick. I don't like to train because, well honestly, I'm lazy! (My husband is doing sit ups as I write this!) So I pray...Lord, please help me and thank you for your Holy Spirit who is the ultimate personal trainer!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Lisa asked for a picture of the new do...Here it is.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Cloud Watching!

Today I planted flowers in the warm sun as the blue sky dotted with clouds passed overheard. I could smell the dirt as I mixed Miracle Grow into the soil as I prepared the garden bed. Working in the dirt always reminds me of my dad and growing up on the farm. I also raked the remaining leaves and pulled out some of the dead ivy. As I was wiping my brow I looked up at the beautiful sky and it beckoned me to take pictures. So I ran in the house and grabbed my Canon.

Being able to view the pictures right away is so cool and when I looked at this picture I thought I saw a face. Do you see a face? Funny how the mind works. If you want to see something you can almost create it in your mind's eye. My husband didn't see anything and now I have to look really hard at this picture to see it. Please don't think I'm really a weirdo but I must admit that I felt God was saying, "I'm watching and I like the flowers you planted." Of course He might have been saying, "It's about time you did some yard work!" I choose to think He was smiling over me.

In this picture I see a foot and I am reminded of the following OT verses in Isaiah 66, that Luke quoted in Acts.

Acts 7:46 "{David} found favor in God's sight, and asked that he might find a dwelling place for the God of Jacob. 47 "But it was Solomon who built a house for Him. 48 "However, the Most High does not dwell in {houses} made by {human} hands; as the prophet says: 49 'HEAVEN IS MY THRONE, AND EARTH IS THE FOOTSTOOL OF MY FEET; WHAT KIND OF HOUSE WILL YOU BUILD FOR ME?' says the Lord, 'OR WHAT PLACE IS THERE FOR MY REPOSE? 50 'WAS IT NOT MY HAND WHICH MADE ALL THESE THINGS?'

My Interpretation:

God wants to communicate with us in our everyday lives through His creation. When our hearts are ready to see through supernatural eyes we will see His glory.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

This is my prayer for this evening…

Purify me with hyssop, and I shall be clean;

Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

Make me to hear joy and gladness,

Let the bones which You have broken rejoice.

Hide Your face from my sins

And blot out all my iniquities.

Create in me a clean heart, O God,

And renew a steadfast spirit within me.

Do not cast me away from Your presence

And do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.

Restore to me the joy of Your salvation

And sustain me with a willing spirit.

{Then} I will teach transgressors Your ways,

And sinners will be converted to You.

Psalms 51:7-13 -

Thank You Lord for saving a sinner like me!

Memories, Laughter and Family

My sister and her husband along with my dad and mom were the highlight of my week...maybe even my month. Even my seventeen year old son commented on how happy I seem when I am around my family. Now don't take this wrong, but I laugh a lot more with a belly laugh when my sister and I get together. It's not that my husband and children don't make my life enjoyable, because they certainly do; and it's not that my grandchildren don’t' bring me joy because they are the joy of my life; but there is something about being totally transparent and well...goofy around my siblings that makes for better times.

When my sister and I get together we revert to our late teens and early twenties. Lucy and Ethel were our role models! I remember when we putting up wall paper for the first time in my house on a wall that was no longer than 12 feet. Straight shot. No corners. And it took us all day to hang about 4 sheets. We were laughing so hard as we got wrapped up in the wallpaper, stepped in the water tray and ended up with as much glue on us as on the wall. That was so much fun!

Then there were times when we each had two little ones and there was no seat belt law. Come to think of it there were no seat belts in the car. All four kids would jump up and down in the back seat of my green LTD (a big old car) and my sister and I would have the radio jammin' as we sang along. God was looking over us because no one was hurt even though big sis did drive over one of those cement blocks in a store parking lot in her new Mustang. We sure did laugh about that!

Yep, this week I was in my twenties again and we were talking nonstop. But I could tell my parents are getting older, especially my mom. It is harder for her to walk any distance without holding on to my dad. Actually it is very endearing to see how they take care of each other. Their love has lasted since she was 16 and he was 21; 60 years last April Fool’s Day. They are fools for each other.

My interpretation:

I want to make memories every single day of laughing with my loved ones and singing with my grandchildren (since my sons are all older and T gets tired of hearing me sing around the house) so that they will have something to look back upon in fondness.

Proverbs 17:22 A joyful heart is good medicine, But a broken spirit dries up the bones.
Ps 47:1 - O clap your hands, all peoples; Shout to God with the voice of joy.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Family Visit!

Family has always been important to me and since I have lived away from my parents and siblings for over 15 years, I am delighted that my sister and her husband brought mom and dad to visit me. They came from Ohio to North Carolina bringing their swim suits and ready for some good ole southern climate, but unfortunately the weather changed and the rain came along with much cooler air. Oh well, we have enjoyed playing cards and telling stories and my sides hurt from laughing so hard.

Today we drove to Weldon and watched the Roanoke River rapids and stood in awe of the beauty of the water. Then we went to the new antique mall and we were impressed with the local artisans. The pictures were the most interesting for me and they inspired me to pursue my passion for photography. In order to get some fresh air, we took a walk along the Canal Trail of the Roanoke River and my sister and I took several pictures of the flowers, ferns and greenery.

I wish my sister lived closer …we could have so much fun taking walks and capturing the beauty in pictures!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Spiritual Spa in May

We were so blessed at the Spiritual Spa yesterday with eighteen beautiful women who brought us much joy. I love meeting new people and pampering them. The Spa TECH's, Nancy, Susan, Polly, Diane, Kristy, Patti and I pray for days and weeks for the ladies before they attend Spiritual Spa. Our prayer is that they will experience a fresh awakening of the Holy Spirit in their lives.

I don't want to tell you too much about the spa in case you visit us one day, but please know that there is power in human touch...especially when God is the One using your hands to touch His daughters...a hug, a massage, a pat on the back, holding praying hands...His love just flows, one to the other.

Our desire is to bless the ladies but we are the ones who receive the blessing.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Clothe me Lord!

I didn't want to leave you husband liked the new hairstyle. What is it about getting older and finally feeling content and then we get this notion to change things up a bit. I really was fine with the hairstyle I had but there was something inside yearning for a fresh look. When Kendall finished coloring and cutting my hair I must say I thought I looked a lot like my 6 year old granddaughter and that was a little too youthful! But once I got home and put some spice into it, I felt sassy. Just the feeling I was looking for.

The shopping trip was a real treat since I didn't purchase any clothes last year and only a few necessities this year. As I get older I feel less and less comfortable buying clothes. First of all, my size has shrunk...what in the world did the clothing industry do...did they mean to make clothes smaller? Second, I like the styles for twenty, thirty and forty-somethings but where are the styles for the 50 somethings...what happened to clothes for the curvy woman?

I have been talking to so many women who are ready to throw in the towel, sit back and grow old. I really don't think that is what they want for themselves but they settle for that because that is the expectation for the more mature woman. But there is something happening in the over 50 group that is sweeping the nation. There is a strong desire to reinvent themselves, go to college, change careers and enjoy challenges not hide from them. Sometimes just changing your style gives you a new frame of mind.

There should not be any worries in my life about what to wear. For God has clothed me with His garments. For those of us who believe Jesus is the way, truth and the life we are clothed with His righteousness. He clothes us with His compassion and love and fills us with His joy. He is all I need and all I want. This earthly tent will go away and my spirit will endure forever.
My Interpretations:
My earthly clothes makes me happy and helps to lift my spirit...but the Holy Spirit of Christ in me clothes me with His JOY and gives me eternal life!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

New Hair Do and Shoppping!

I had the most fun today! My good friend Donna went with me to Raleigh so I could get my hair cut by the best stylist, Kendall Walls. I took a deep breath and decided to go short, or at least shorter than my usual cut. By the time my husband saw my hair though, I had it held back with a clip and it really didn't look all that good, but I thought he would at least have noticed that it was shorter. NOT! He asked if I spent all day in Raleigh while he was looking at me like he knew he should say something but wasn't sure what to say. So....after he left to meet our youngest son and his freind at the local Wings and Rings to watch the final hockey game, I took a shower and freshened up my new do. We'll see if he notices when he gets home!

He just walked in...and he noticed!! Gotta go! I'll tell you about the shopping trip tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Pool is filling up with water and I can get back to blogging!

Well today was sunny and the guys came to fix the pool and right now we are filling it up with water. Hopefully tomorrow everything will be finished and just in time for the weekend. Even though it isn't warm enough to swim, it will be pretty to look at. I have 20 ladies that will be attending Spiritual Spa and we go through our yard to the river and my parents and sister and her husband are coming to I am thankful!

Now I can get back to blogging about the "change of life" that so many of us are entering. I was in Walmart yesterday and overheard three ladies talking about how one of them was having some aches and pains and the older lady just laughed and said, "Girl, you're going through menopause! You'll be alright!" I wanted to say something but how rude that may have seemed...listening in on their conversation.

I want to look up some statistics because it sure seems there are a lot of us in the same boat. Instead of using the paddles to hit ourselves and others we need to use them to reach out to those who have jumped in the swirling water. We don't always have sympathy for ladies who are angry and upset. Maybe, just maybe they are menopausal and need extra kindness.

My Interpretation:

"Girl, you're going through menopause! You'll be alright!"

Monday, May 11, 2009

I love this song by Amy Grant. To all the mothers who have given their children the love to be unafraid....GOD BLESS YOU!


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Truth spoken with grace.

What a wonderful Mother's Day! The sun was shining and it was just the right temperature. Going to church was the best antidote for me to get over my frustration with the pool people. Actually I think I felt better after writing my feelings in the last post. Sorry I'm using this as therapy! :) But guess what happened when I got home from spending time with the Lord's people? The pool people came to drain the water and prepare the pool for the liner tomorrow. I wasn't rude and I felt God gave me the right words and they received them well. They assured me that all will be taken care of and the pool will be ready by the weekend. Providing the weather doesn't turn wild on us. And I put my trust in them.

I know some of you may think that I am weird to think the Lord answered my prayer for wisdom in how to handle this. But I believe He helped because I asked. He knew I would make a total fool of myself and I am thankful He interceded. There was a lesson in all this I am sure, but right now I don't know what it'll hit me later.

Then 3 of my 4 sons and my 2 grandchildren came for the afternoon. We enjoyed a meal and a walk along the river. Oh' I love my children ...I missed our youngest son and his wife. But I will see them next weekend. Spending time with family reminds me that we use the pool to gather us together in the summer but it is just a pool and not what makes the times good. It is being with the people I love that is most important. As we talked about in Sunday School class, our reality is in the heavenly realm with Christ and this world and everything in it will one day be gone, but we will live on in the spirit.

My Interpretation:

Trust God to give you the right words to say...and then say them with grace.

Swimming Pool Fiasco!

Here I am at 7:30 on a Sunday morning...Mother's Day ...I'm ready to go to church and I am so upset! I have established this little routine when upon awakening in the mornings, I go to the window and look out. The view from our bedroom is awesome because you can see the river and trees. But for the last 5 weeks I have looked out and seen our swimming pool a mess. Our only Swimming Pool dealer in town, told me it would take no more than 10 to replace the liner. They had to remove the liner (which they did the week before we went on Easter break, April 9) and order the liner (took 7 days) and then they were to patch it and replace it (they said 2 days tops). Well, it is 4 weeks later..28 days later and the pool has been exposed to a lot of rain and now the boards are warping.

So I am sitting here trying to calm down. My husband deals with businesses and people who do not do what they say will do all the time, but I don't. He wanted me to call them everyday, but I couldn't. I did call once week with legitimate concerns, like when they told me I needed to skim the bottom of the pool with extra $8,000. NOT! So what was minor repairs they would patch free, they now wanted an extra $1,200 from our original agreement. Then I called to ask if the wind and rain would hurt the pool and should it be covered. The receptionist told me if it needed to be done they would do it. Well they didn't and now the pool is much worse than when they removed the old liner.

This is when being a Christian gets tough for me. Yes, I am upset because the quality of workmanship that we are paying for, with our hard earned money, is poor, very poor. And yet I talk to these people and they are that PR? How do I handle this? Do I get demanding and rude to get their attention, because being nice has not gotten me any results? They called and said they will be here tomorrow. It's supposed to rain again tomorrow and the forecast is for 69 degrees and it needs to be above 75. So now who can I blame for that...God? Heavens no! But it would have been nice if they had covered the pool.

Now I will see what kind of business people they are, for if they offer to fix the warped boards caused by their practices I will be satisfied. If not, I will be upset. What do I do then? I did think of contacting "5 on Your Side", which is the local TV station from Raleigh, who loves to handle problems like this. But I don't want to ruin their reputation, I just want quality work.

So now I am trying to calm down, change my frame of mind, and get prepared to go to church to worship the Lord, and teach Sunday School. I must focus on extending grace but ...
Dear Lord, help me to know how to handle this. Give me wisdom.

It's just a swimming pool. But it does matter. It's just a swimming pool. But we want it to be repaired correctly. It's just a swimming pool.

What would you do ?

Friday, May 8, 2009

I'm not ready to get old!

There were times during my menopausal years that I felt I was just shrinking back from life. Had God brought me to this point in my journey to have me sit on the sidelines and watch others as they struggled through familiar territory I had already traveled? I wanted so much to be used by God and yet I had no formal training in anything. I was a mom and soon to be a grandma. My life experiences with marriage were not exactly what I wanted to talk about unless I could just talk about my wonderful husband of 25 years. Past failures and poor choices made me feel very vulnerable and I wasn’t up to that either. So what did God want from me? He had showed me glimpses of what I am doing today and I thought surely He wasn’t going to ask me to stand in front of people and talk.

Why do we as older women feel we are to step aside and let the younger women do all the work? I must admit though there are times when I use the excuse I am tired and can’t do everything like I used too. That is so lame, isn’t it? But for several years my mind seemed to be in a funk and my memory was …well I had no memory. I would go to introduce a good friend to another and forget their name. I would be in the middle of a sentence and forget what I was even talking about. I heard an older lady once say, “it’s a senior moment” and everyone laughed and then she changed the subject and just went on like nothing happened. To me she was hard to follow, but not anymore. I find the easiest people in the world to converse with are the ones that just laugh and go on. We can always go back to that topic….when we remember what is was!

Our society tells us that we must stay pretty, thin and up-to-date on the latest styles and the current events. Well I tried that but soon the current events started to run together and I never got any of the facts right. Well that was embarrassing. The latest styles made me look like an older women, trying to look like a younger women and it was so uncomfortable. Why did my waist have to grow out the sides, anyway? My daughter-in-law is also my hairstylist and I want to have the latest hairstyle and she certainly helps me in that area. If it is something I wouldn’t look good wearing she lets me know.
The very best antidote to menopause is HUMOR! When I was finally able to laugh at myself, my outlook improved and spirit was lifted. When I was able to talk openly about my panic attacks, the fear subsided. When I was able to accept the aging process, God granted me peace.
My Interpretation:
LAUGH! LOVE! LIVE! Ask God for peace and a sense of humor. Remember none of us are going through something strange as if women before us did not experience menopause.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Happy Hormone.

In very plain and simple terms, so I can understand, I will share with you what I have learned lately about the "happy hormone" called serotonin. I watched a video regarding depression and Dr. Hagar said that men make more serotonin than women, but the estrogen in women acts as a multiplier of the serotonin which then gives us as much as men. But what happens when our estrogen levels in our cycle so we will have our periods...and when we go into menopause, we experience depression. Now some of us may feel down for a few days and then perk back up, but some of us, especially during menopause, experience severe depression. Again there is so much more to it than what I have written so get on the Internet and check menopause out for yourself.

Don't for a moment, think you are going crazy or you're the only one struggling with your raging emotions and physical changes . Find a friend (preferably one who has already gone through menopause) to invite over for a cup of coffee or tea and conversation. Keep your ears open and when you hear ladies talking about it, ask them questions. Ask your mom how she coped in her later years. My mother never really talked about any problems but honestly I don't think she had time with six kids to tell us what was going on with her body. And I wasn't interested then, but now I am and she is glad to share with me. If you need someone to talk to email me or leave a comment and I 'll get up with you. There is no reason to go it alone!

I have a few websites to check out that sound pretty good about menopause. If they are worth the trip to the site I'll post thier URL in my next blog. I don't want to pass on anything that takes up your time. Thanks for stopping by and reading my thoughts.

My Interpretation:

Life is hard sometimes but when you have someone who can help you navigate through the storm, it gives you clearer vision and a brighter day. God is so good to give us woman who have been there done that and don't mind sharing what they've done.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Menopause is becoming a familiar topic!

In the last several weeks I have had the pleasure of talking with women a little younger than myself who are experiencing the symptoms of menopause. Not that that is a pleasurable topic by any stretch of the imagination but one can find pleasure knowing others have struggled through the change of life and are now experiencing freedom. For so many, going through menopause sucks the life out of their lives and for those who do not have any difficulties (I think they're in denial of getting older and won't admit it) they have no compassion for the hurting friend.

I always seem to run around with ladies who are younger than me. In fact, my husband is 5 years younger than me and that might be a contributing factor. So when I started into "the change" I described my symptoms to a close friend and was surprised at her response. She felt that it was all in my head and that when she reached my age she would be able to pray it away. Well, I gotta tell you that I was hoping she would feel my pain when she reached my age. Not a real Christian way of thinking but I must tell the truth. And so I didn't tell anyone else for fear that they would think of me as a whiner and complainer. Once the panic attacks started though I had to talk to someone, anyone...besides my family.

My husband is the one who loved me through the transition. And now looking back I really did put him through a lot. Even though we had a good marriage, the tension was oppressive and our emotions got away from us at times. I can't say that I am completely on the other side but I can see the shore. And it's a beauty! I feel more alive and free to be me than any other time in my live. And so I am happy and even excited about sharing my tough times with other women. My hope is that every lady will have that special person to love them through the difficult journey; be it their husband or close friend. We need to know we are not going crazy and yet we must learn how to handle our raging hormones and the anger, depression, and weight gain that goes with this normal change in our lives.

Medications can be helpful and many that I have talked to are under a physician's care, but I chose not to take hormone replacements other than a low dosage of birth control for about a year. The pill helped with some of the symptoms but the side effects were horrible for me and so I just tolerated the hot flashes, night sweats and sleep deprivation. If I were to have a do-over, I would take sleeping pills. And there is a good reason for that but right now it's late and I'm sleepy. Now I have no problem falling asleep and oh' that feels good too! So I'll pick this conversation up again tomorrow.

My Interpretation:

Menopause is a normal function of life and one that we should embrace as a passage into a free and wonderful "new normal" as an older wiser woman.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Bible Verse of the day....

Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.

As I read that verse this morning, it reminded me that it is not God who is far away, it is me. When I stop fluttering around and draw near to Him, He is always available and He then draws near to me. But I must first wash my filthy hands and purify my heart. I can not be double minded thinking about how to make it in this world by human standards and thinking about how to live out my life according to my reality in Christ. Those are not two separate lives that I have, they are the same life. I must choose who it is that I will serve and obey. I want to serve Christ with all my heart, soul and strength and so I MUST draw near to Him on a daily basis.

My Interpretation:

Lord I can only obey you with the help of Your Holy Spirit, so I must draw near to You continually so I can accurately hear Your will for my life. Help me draw near to You.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Tea Party and Fun Lovin' Ladies!

There is something about being in the presence of older ladies who aren't trying to impress anyone. The popular song that sings, "girls just want to have fun"...should be rewritten to "older women know how to have fun!"

The Mother's Day Tea was held at a personal residence and when Lois came with her hat perched on the top of her head, the mistress of the home donned her yellow hat. Well, that started something, for another lady wanted a hat then I wanted a hat then...and so we ended up with 7 ladies prancing around wearing gorgeous hats for the tea party.

Sarah sang a beautiful song about moms being hero's and of course tears fell on the checks of a mother and daughter who are experiences the separation stage as the daughter goes off to college. Our first speaker, Joan, shared her journey as a mother, grandmother and now a surrogate mother to her granddaughters. Joan's daughter-in-law passed away then her mother and so her role as a mother has not stopped but taken new turns along the way. She had to become the mother to her mother as she took care of her in her last days here on earth and now she is helping her granddaughters with all those girly things dads just don't know about. Once a mother...always a mother. Her message encouraged me to realize the role I play in my grandchildren's lives.

As I write this I am smiling because if I were in my twenties what happened next may have shocked me or made me think I was with a group of strange women. But since I am over 50, I so think it was a very funny way to show how we are all little girls inside wanting to make people laugh. Our speaker, who is one of us, began her message by telling us her pantyhose were falling down and were in fact close to her knees. It bothered her so much she just let them fall even lower and she took them off. Yep! Right in front of us. Of course she was completely discreet...we didn't see anything gross but it was a memorable experience! Her talk was funny and lighthearted and yet she reminded us of the awesome influence we have on our husbands and children. She influences me with her love for the Lord and her take-life-as-it-comes attitude.

My own mother is in another state and I am so thankful that my sister and her husband are driving my parents down for a visit in a couple of weeks. I would have liked my mom to share the laughter at our Mother's Day Tea Party but maybe we can have our own small party when she is here.

After the tea party I went to a wedding and then later in the day I attended my granddaughter's dance recital. I watched as she pranced around on stage with no cares whatsoever. I remember those days when you didn't know what was planned for the next hour or so and you didn't care; for you lived in the present moment. I so often exist physically in the present with my mind either focused on what I did wrong in the past or what I have to do in the future.

Today I was able to enjoy the present, moment by moment, because it was a day that required my attention continually. I LOVED IT! No worries just a lot of laughter, joy and contentment that God, my heavenly Father said to my heart...enjoy this day, enjoy your friends, enjoy life! He has given us such a wonderful gift of fellowship and yet we fail to pursue friendships because we are so busy with our daily lives. I want everyday to be filled with loved ones...even if I can only reach out to one, I want to show love.

My Interpretation:

Don't worry about the future or beat yourself up over the past. Live in the present. Kiss your husband and children, dance with your grandbabies and laugh with your friends. Most importantly, be thankful for the Lord's loving kindness.

Psalms 92:1-6
It is good to give thanks to the LORD And to sing praises to Your name, O Most High; To declare Your lovingkindness in the morning And Your faithfulness by night, With the ten-stringed lute and with the harp, With resounding music upon the lyre. For You, O LORD, have made me glad by what You have done,I will sing for joy at the works of Your hands.How great are Your works, O LORD!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Plastic, Football and Butterflies!

This blog is for my good friend Kris.

We go to the same church and we were acquaintances but it was at the high school football games where we really got to know each other well and became great friends. We talked more than watched but hey, we didn't have children playing. I think she was actually there to watch the games but I went to support my hubby so he wouldn't have to sit by himself and to socialize.

I was a fair weather fan but I made an exception one rained and my hubby gave me a plastic outfit to wear over my clothes. Yep, you read that right. I thought this was something that every good fan did, so I donned the plastic and went to the game. I am SO GLAD that there weren't very many people there!! Kris couldn't stop laughing and that has been a joke between us. I love making memories with close friends and I will never forget the rain game and Kris.

I haven't worn the plastic suit since, my granddaughter was visiting and it started raining as we were planting flowers. A plastic poncho was close by so I put it on her and she loved it; she felt like a butterfly. Of course she looks so much cuter than I did wrapped in plastic. She danced about in the rain and then hid behind the flowers trying to be seen as a flower. What a beautiful daffodil she made among the azaleas!

Making memories with my granddaughter is so important to me and I am so thankful to the person who invented the camera. Now if I would just be more vigilant about keeping them in scrapbooks or on CD's.

My Interpretation:
Memories made with friends and family fill the empty spaces in my mind with laughter and love to replay over and over when I need a good pick me up!