Bri was in her uncle's wedding and right before she went down the aisle she decided she was not going to wear her shoes. It made her look even cuter.
Her mom agreed to keep her hair long for the wedding but soon after the long locks were shortened. At first I thought, "NO," but then when I saw her short hair and how she loved it, I couldn't help but love it. In this picture Bri was getting ready to go on stage for her very first dance recital. I love how she twirled around making her hair dance too! Even for little girls it is important to feel good about yourself and you can see from her wink, she does!
My daughter-in-love is a great hairstylist and is always up on the latest fashions. I on the other hand have given up with keepin' up and yet I still don't want to look like an old person. Kendall does a great job of covering the grey that grows right down the middle of my head. Yep! Right down the middle...if I didn't get it colored I would look like a skunk. I remember when I first noticed the grey and I thought I would just let it go. Well my college son called me one day and told me that "they make stuff that could color that grey away." My kindergarten son told me, "Mommy, why are you the only mommy with grey hair?" Well, guess what I did....I got my hair colored. And I felt great afterward. I felt younger and, well...it gave me some spunk and I felt sassy! My husband could even tell that I had a new outlook. It's strange how changing your hair can make you feel so good about yourself. And when I feel good about myself, I want to make my husband feel good. And he loves that!!
Even now when our economy is on a downhill slide, women are still going to want to look good. Hairstylists are in an industry that is recession proof. I remember when I only had about $30 a month to freshen up my looks. That's really difficult. That included make-up, clothes, haircuts etc.! When I was down and out...I had my sister color my hair. When I felt dumpy and frumpy...I got my hair cut. When I felt unloved...I polished my nails. Women like to feel pretty. Yes, they like to look sexy for their man but let's be honest...we want to look in the mirror and be able to smile at ourselves. I am not saying we have to be knock out beautiful, but we want to feel at least "put-together." Even if we don't receive a wink from anyone else, we can give ourselves a wink.
My Interpretation
If you don't receive a wink today, think about how much
God loves you.
He's wild about you. That's even better than a wink.
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