Thursday, July 30, 2009

My grandson tried to eat his hand!

Today I was called upon to pick up my four year old grandson from day care. He evidently wasn't feeling good and vomited all over himself. YUK! I rushed over to see him sitting in the office laughing and listening to the secretary read him a book. He seemed pretty jovial and didn't look like he felt bad, so I asked him if his stomach hurt and if so, was that the cause of him vomiting. "Well," he said as if he was thinking about how to tell me, "I put my hand in my mouth and it made me sick!" At first I thought he had already learned a way to get out of school from his big brothers, but then I realized he was just a little guy trying to see if he could fit his whole hand in his mouth. Since his clothes had to be changed and the teacher didn't know the cause, his mom was called. I loved that I was chosen to spend the day with him!

Later after lunch, my seventeen year old son had a doctors appointment for a big deal. Except that my grandson had just been to the same doctor last week and received three shots and it was not a good experience. He wanted to see if his uncle would cry like he did. Uncle TD told him he wasn't getting a shot; so he thought. Of course at seventeen you don't cry even if it does hurt, but the little guy took notice of the big guy and how he handled himself. It was one of those moments that I was so proud of being a mom and grandma. Both boys love each other and I know TD will take care of his nephew if the need ever arose. Family is so great!

My Interpretation:

Children learn from those around them. Older brothers and uncles have a great impact on how they view life. They watch to see how they handle tough situations. I pray that my grandchildren will learn a few things from me too.

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