And my youngest son (17) was the other fisherman of the group. I don't want to leave him out...he thinks I think of the grandkids more than of him. Not true and I am glad TD and I have a great relationship, so I know he knows he's loved!
Jesus told Peter He would make him a fisher of men. Today we think it is so hard to witness to people about God. We really don't want to be fishermen. We want to put the bait on the hook and then sit on the sidelines relaxing; maybe even fall asleep. I watched my son patiently wait as the fish would go back and forth without noticing the tiny fake fish on the hook. He moved the pole gently back and forth as if to tease the fish. Well it must have worked because he caught three fish that day. But my son really didn't want the fish, so he threw it back into the water.
Are we like that when we are fishing for men/women? Do we patiently wait for the Holy Spirit to move or do we move the bait back and forth, taunting and teasing the hurting and hungry people who want to meet Christ. Sometimes we move so quickly that we don't give them ample time to ask us questions about our Lord. Honestly, there was a time in my life that I really didn't want anyone to ask me questions about Jesus. I just knew enough to love Him and I thought I would totally mess up if I were to quote Scripture and explain doctrine, so I didn't say anything.
If I am to fish for women ( I leave the men for my hubby) I must learn to be patient and know the Holy Spirit is the bait. When the lady is pulled in by the Holy Spirit in me all I have to do is tell her what God through Jesus has done in my life. I could talk about that for hours! I don't need to tell her the doctrines or the views of my local church...I just need to tell her of the love of Christ and the Holy Spirit does the rest. Whew! that takes me off the hook!!
My Interpretation:
My Interpretation:
I am holding the fishing rod, Jesus, the WORD, that God uses to place the bait, the Holy Spirit inside of me, that will lure the fish to HIM. Instead of throwing the fish back into the murky water, I am to show her the love of Christ. God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit will do the rest.
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