I met a young woman who is pregnant for the first time. I don't know if she is married or if the father is there to help her. All I know is she was told that one baby is 4 oz. lighter than the other twin. One weighs 10 oz. the other 6 oz. I guess that is normal for a 3 month old fetus. The doctors have told her she needs to abort the smaller twin. I realize I do not have all the facts, but I know a mother's heart and hers is hurting.
God says He is like a mother hen spreading her wings over her chicks. What a loving God we have that He has put this wonderful characteristic of Himself inside us. We want to protect our young ones and to nourish them to good health. When we can't we feel like a failure but truly in this situation the mother has no option...other than prayer.
Please dear friends, keep this young mother in your prayers. May the babies in her womb grow strong and healthy and yet if this is not to be, may she find peace in the arms of the Lord.
Hebrews 1:1-4 In God alone we trust!
1 day ago
Praying -- my first thought is no, no, no, no, no! It's just that blood-transfer thing where one twin gets the better blood supply. But the smaller twin usually lives and is fine. Once in awhile they have some kind of disability -- but isn't that preferable to not being there at all?
ReplyDeleteWe short-sell God's amazing ability to abundantly bless a life like that. What if that twin is destined to find the cure for AIDS? What if he/she just completely changes Mom's life for the better?
Lord, give us wisdom to see the bigger picture, with Your eyes!