Thursday, July 30, 2009

My grandson tried to eat his hand!

Today I was called upon to pick up my four year old grandson from day care. He evidently wasn't feeling good and vomited all over himself. YUK! I rushed over to see him sitting in the office laughing and listening to the secretary read him a book. He seemed pretty jovial and didn't look like he felt bad, so I asked him if his stomach hurt and if so, was that the cause of him vomiting. "Well," he said as if he was thinking about how to tell me, "I put my hand in my mouth and it made me sick!" At first I thought he had already learned a way to get out of school from his big brothers, but then I realized he was just a little guy trying to see if he could fit his whole hand in his mouth. Since his clothes had to be changed and the teacher didn't know the cause, his mom was called. I loved that I was chosen to spend the day with him!

Later after lunch, my seventeen year old son had a doctors appointment for a big deal. Except that my grandson had just been to the same doctor last week and received three shots and it was not a good experience. He wanted to see if his uncle would cry like he did. Uncle TD told him he wasn't getting a shot; so he thought. Of course at seventeen you don't cry even if it does hurt, but the little guy took notice of the big guy and how he handled himself. It was one of those moments that I was so proud of being a mom and grandma. Both boys love each other and I know TD will take care of his nephew if the need ever arose. Family is so great!

My Interpretation:

Children learn from those around them. Older brothers and uncles have a great impact on how they view life. They watch to see how they handle tough situations. I pray that my grandchildren will learn a few things from me too.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Life Coach or Mentor

Life coach or mentor? What is the difference and do I need one? My mother has always been my mentor and when I hear people say that every women needs a mentor, (I have said those words myself) I wonder if they had a mother. Isn't that the mothers job to be a mentor? My mother showed me how to be a wife (mom and dad had a passion for each other that was so obvious), raise a family (she was a mother of 6), a business woman (my father would tell you if it weren't for her money management, they would not have had a very successful business), and she made sure I knew how to can and freeze the harvest from the garden my father tended. She is my mentor. I want no other.

Yet, my mother was not one to read the Bible or tell you stories of life. She lives her life in the moment looking toward the future. Even at 76, she engages in world events and watches CNBC every day. So I was surprised today when she called and told me she read the book I had given her months ago; 90 Minutes in Heaven. My mother is an avid reader but Christian novels never interested her and the Bibles my sisters and I have given her throughout the years still have pages stuck together as they have never been turned. She did read and loved the series "the Mark of the Lion" by Francine Rivers and "The Shack" by William P. Young. Those were the only two authors that excited her enough that she called me to see if she could pass the books to one of my siblings. That is until "90 Minutes in Heaven".

But as far as a life coach, my mom helped as much as she could; but I needed someone to help me make career choices and a plan of attack. I don't remember ever having a school counselor in the small Catholic school I attended and I didn't take advantage of the counselor at OU-L. If I had maybe I would have attended college more than one year. But now I want to expand my horizons and I have a friend that is great at pulling out my desires and wishes and putting them in an organized form and helps me with an action plan to accomplish my goals.

My husband is a fantastic life coach for our sons that are in business because he has been a manager for over 30 years. He lights up when they ask him for advice and I find myself just beaming with pride. His insight into how to handle HR problems, including firing people (ouch!) and giving performance reviews that propel the employees to do better and not to make them bitter, are qualities that some managers need to learn.

The trend right now for the over 50 gang, is to reinvent themselves and one way they get on the right path is choosing the right life coach. Of course to me the best life coach is Jesus Christ and I know when I seek Him first all else falls right in line!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Your Brain and Menopause!

I wish I didn't know this first hand, but I do...the brain's RAM is affected by the hormonal changes during menopause. I could share my journals with you so that you would know I am speaking the truth, but really, let's face it, those of you who know me personally know the train leaves without me quite frequently. Although I am doing much better since I take USANA fish oil and Ginkgo along with my multi-vitamins and minerals, I still seem to make up words as I go and don't use correct English. I know I sound like an advertisement, but it's true. When you feed your cells, they work better.

What 's really funny is when I am talking to some of you and you understand what I mean! My sisters, Carla and Cyndi have a way of making me feel better...we talk each others language. It does make our husbands wonder if we have some secret code of communication, but hey, what they don't know won't hurt them!

Read the article below and visit the website if you have any questions about menopause.

Your Brain’s RAM and Processing Speed ARE Impacted by Hormonal Changes During the Menopause Transition

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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Baby Boomers remember the moon landing

Baby Boomers remember the moon landing

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Click on the above link to read the article. Below are my thoughts...

Well what about you? Do you remember watching the moon landing on television? Wow, does that make me feel old! But that's ok. I thought that visiting the moon would become an annual event after the historical landing; but it didn't. Visions and dreams of flying to the moon were often floating through my head. The thoughts must have camped out there fueling my imagination because I never made any move toward being an astronaut. Could you see me jumping up and down on the moon, giggling like a little girl, thanking the Lord for His awesome work of art. It would be the only time I could do the famous Michael Jackson moonwalk, that's for sure.

My grandmothers could remember when the horse and buggy was the best form of traveling. Of course the also enjoyed the train and cars. When my grandma Huber went to Israel at 82 years old, that was her first and only trip in an airplane. So many events happened during her 98 years here on earth.

What are the memories, us baby boomers will pass on to our grandchildren that will totally amaze them? Maybe that we had to use clunky typewriters and a lot of white out to present a book review to our teachers. My younger sons can't even imagine life without their own personal laptops. Times have changed. Honestly, I love my laptop!

Baby Boomers are now receiving Social Security checks in the mail and trying to figure out what to do with the last half of their lives. Some have lost the security of their long term careers and are now reinventing themselves to bring in an income. Others are at the height of their careers, making a good wage and yet feel they are ready to tackle new challenges. Life can get stale and the baby boomers are not used to settling in and doing nothing. We still have a lot of living to do!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Living, Loving and Giving

Yesterday my hubby and I took our Sunday afternoon excursion and walked four miles along the Roanoke River Canal Trail. Four miles may not seem that far to you, and actually I could have walked longer if I had water with me, but we normally don't go more than two miles when it is so hot outside. One Saturday we walked seven miles and every muscle in my legs and feet ached!

We saw two young deer and a groundhog, along with butterflies and birds. Of course on the trail you will also encounter little bugs and spider webs...and we always check us for ticks, but walking the trail is so worth the effort. It is in the shade so the heat of the day doesn't keep me inside and the beauty reminds me of my Creator. It gives us time to dream about where we could travel; places we have never been before (which could be a lot of places). We are ready though to take a few more risk as we have been very conservative and now we are in our fifties and ready to enjoy our lives before we have health problems. My hubby has gotten his diabetes under control and we are in relatively good health for our age and our youngest will graduate from high school next year and off to college. So we are going to start planning some trips. If you have any ideas let me know!

Just after having our dream talk and before we could even procrastinate we received a phone call in the early hours of this morning and a good friend was shot while vacationing at Myrtle Beach. He had taken a late night trip to Walmart and went to a carwash to get the sand off his car. It was there that he was shot four times. Now, I don't have all the facts but I do know he came through surgery and is still critical. It is a reminder that your life can change at any moment when you least expect it. Lord be with James and his family!

Life is so precious and our families are so important to us. This act of violence reminds me that we need to enjoy our families before something happens. Not that I want to live my life as if something horrible is going to happen soon but that I will live my life to the fullest! During our walk my hubby said how his view on life changed dramatically at 18, when his mother died. Her death and his life went hand in hand. Without her in the family the five children went into adulthood without the physical love of a mother. Being the mother of four sons and mother-in-love and grandma, I want my children to know my love, not just the thought but that they see me helping them in tangible ways. For when I am gone it will be the memories I make with them that they will keep in their hearts.

Please keep this family in your prayers.

My Interpretation:

Living, Loving and Giving all with the love of Christ, is the desire of my heart. NOW…TODAY…I want to live in the present moment.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Something Wonderful by Sonya Speed

Sonya Speed is a new artist...well not new...but she is selling her sculptures for the first time, and I was delighted that I was her first customer! Sonya is a Spiritual Spa TECH (Telling Others Christ Heals) and she is teaching Scripture through sculpture. The Woman at the Well has become so special to me for so many reasons. We have a lot in common. For Spiritual Spa I become the Samaritan woman and tell her story through drama. Visit to find out more.

God has given us all talents and gifts that we can use to glorify Him and I am so happy when I see another creative soul using and sharing their gift. Thanks Sonya!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Lord makes honey!

Busy little bee! That's how I felt today; like a busy little bee. Bees are so important to our Eco system and if you have allergies, eat the local honey as they help your immunities. Even though I understand how this small bee helps me in so many ways, I still don't like to be stung. Which happened to me last week. I want to stay busy taking care of my family and yet I want to stop and smell the flowers and spend time with God.

Right now I am watching a television show on DOC. It is called Prophets Rising...Nashville, Tenn. has become a hub for the modern prophetic movement. Several young people are convinced that God is moving and maturing them at a much faster pace than what older Christians have matured. I believe Christians have been in a slumber and the winds are changing and we are better equipping our children for their faith. The youth of today do not want to play church, they want to understand what it truly means to be the church. The pastor just said the teens have been to the circus and seen the show and now they want reality...and Jesus is reality! He is my reality.

Bees take pollen from one plant to another and then they make honey. (Ok, that's a simple explanation, I know.) I see the Holy Spirit taking His love from one Jesus lover to another and making honey! Taste and see that the Lord is good. Yes, He is good!

Monday, July 13, 2009

The real fishermen in our family!

Yep, my three year old grandson (will be 4 next week) caught his first fish and if you had seen how we reacted, you would have thought he hit a home run at the World Series! He was so excited he reeled in a big fish (well for him it was) and his big sister was thrilled to touch the scaly thing! I thought it was rather funny though that when they wanted to remove the hook from the mouth of the fish, mama had to hold the fish. None of the guys would. I was so proud of myself! See, I can be tough when necessary.

And my youngest son (17) was the other fisherman of the group. I don't want to leave him out...he thinks I think of the grandkids more than of him. Not true and I am glad TD and I have a great relationship, so I know he knows he's loved!

Jesus told Peter He would make him a fisher of men. Today we think it is so hard to witness to people about God. We really don't want to be fishermen. We want to put the bait on the hook and then sit on the sidelines relaxing; maybe even fall asleep. I watched my son patiently wait as the fish would go back and forth without noticing the tiny fake fish on the hook. He moved the pole gently back and forth as if to tease the fish. Well it must have worked because he caught three fish that day. But my son really didn't want the fish, so he threw it back into the water.

Are we like that when we are fishing for men/women? Do we patiently wait for the Holy Spirit to move or do we move the bait back and forth, taunting and teasing the hurting and hungry people who want to meet Christ. Sometimes we move so quickly that we don't give them ample time to ask us questions about our Lord. Honestly, there was a time in my life that I really didn't want anyone to ask me questions about Jesus. I just knew enough to love Him and I thought I would totally mess up if I were to quote Scripture and explain doctrine, so I didn't say anything.
If I am to fish for women ( I leave the men for my hubby) I must learn to be patient and know the Holy Spirit is the bait. When the lady is pulled in by the Holy Spirit in me all I have to do is tell her what God through Jesus has done in my life. I could talk about that for hours! I don't need to tell her the doctrines or the views of my local church...I just need to tell her of the love of Christ and the Holy Spirit does the rest. Whew! that takes me off the hook!!

My Interpretation:
I am holding the fishing rod, Jesus, the WORD, that God uses to place the bait, the Holy Spirit inside of me, that will lure the fish to HIM. Instead of throwing the fish back into the murky water, I am to show her the love of Christ. God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit will do the rest.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Fire Alarms Blaring yet No Fire!

All the children went back home and so hubby and I was the only ones at the lake house on our last night. As we were watching the movie, "Thelma and Louise", I accidently pushed a button on the controller and the movie went off. Ron was not thrilled that I couldn't get the TV to work and it was right at a good point too! Funny how just a little thing can get so blown up. Soon we were not happy with each other even after we did get the TV working again, and we went to bed without the usual kisses and "I love you." A good night's sleep would help us. We had grown to enjoy the early mornings on the deck, reading and looking out over the water and that time together would mend any little spat.


I was awaken out of a very deep sleep with a piercing beep; just one beep. A few minutes later, two beeps…then we were both awake wondering what was beeping. Maybe the dishwasher had ended the cycle and it was letting us know. Maybe one of the batteries in the smoke alarms was weak. Maybe… we didn't have time to even think about it what it could have been because the piercing beep turned into a prolonged shrill. We couldn't smell anything and we went downstairs and out the front door to see if the other units were on fire. Nothing. We went from room to room investigating, looking for smoke. Nothing! The noise was almost unbearable and now it wasn't just one alarm going off, every alarm in the house was blaring!


It was 2:22 am and we didn't want to call the fire department if nothing was smoking or burning. What would they think? We ran through the house touching the walls and ceilings to see if anything was even warm. Ron had to get the bar stool to stand on so he could reach the fire alarm in the entry to reset it, then he went to the fire alarm in the Master bedroom and reset it. I have never heard anything that instantly gave me a headache. After 15 minutes the penetrating noise stopped abruptly. We looked at each other and wondered what had just happened.


Our minds were really wandering in some strange ways, although we didn't talk about it. We tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't stop thinking of the "what ifs" and I know hubby was still awake because he was tossing and turning. My heart was pounding and I was so glad that the grandchildren weren't with us because the shrill alone would have scared them and then they would have been crying. It was so weird! One good thing though…I made up real fast with hubby and was so glad he put his arm around me.


Sleep did not come easy but eventually I could hear the familiar snore of my husband and since he was alright then I was alright. So I fell asleep…for awhile. Once again at 4:20 am, the alarm went off, but this time it was for only a couple of minutes. What in the world was going on?


We decided we would get up and leave early for home. Going over the events and trying to figure out what had happened and what we would have done if it had been a real fire or a burglary. We were in a new townhouse in a new subdivision one mile from the main road. In fact, the other three townhouses were empty and so we were all alone. I had no phone numbers I could call for help other than the fire dept. and 911. I know we sound foolish but hey what would you do?



























Thursday, July 9, 2009

Danger! Man’s quest for adventure!

He took off his sunglasses and jumped in the choppy water. The knee board was the only thing my husband could use to help him swim to the boat where his youngest son, Timmy, was in trouble. There was no life jacket at the dock. The life jackets were on the boat and the three boys were obviously having problems and not able to get the boat started. As Ron and I were watching from the upper deck, we thought the boys had decided to jump in the water and swim for awhile before coming in. But they took such a long time and then it appeared they were in the water pulling the boat to shore. He had to swim out to them and bring them home. It was a, "I'm his dad and I have to help my boy" moment.

My heart pounded for my husband more than for the boys because they could get back in the boat and wave down another boater for help. There were several boats in the area…that was another problem for my husband. The farther he went out the harder it was for me to see him as the sun was going down. The glare on the water made him disappear. So if I couldn't see him then I knew boats flying on the water wouldn't be able to see him. In fact, earlier in the day, Jacob, Timmy's friend, was knee boarding and when he took a fall two boats whizzed past him without even seeing him. ..and they never even looked back. The thought that Ron could get ran over made me very nervous.

Water was splashing as Ron was kicking ferociously as the current was taking him the other way. Then he stopped. I thought he fell off the knee board. Yes, he did fall off. My mind raced and I thought if without a life jacket would he be able to swim to the knee board or would he have enough strength to reach the boat. It was only a few seconds but it seemed much longer, when he grabbed the knee board and pulled himself back on top of it. Then I yelled to warn him a boat was coming his way, but the boat turned and I said a breath prayer. Actually I began saying breath prayers as soon as I saw the boys in trouble.

Ron is diabetic and his blood sugars were spiking ever since we came to the lake house. He had just had a drop earlier and I worried that the stress would also drive his blood sugars down while he was rescuing our son and his friends. What would I do if he had a cramp and fell off the knee board? I tried to run different scenarios through my mind so I would be able to make a quick decision if that happened. I also knew that the love of a father is stronger and more propelling than anything and Ron was determined to save his son. I was never prouder of this man I am married too.

The boys were using the skis as paddles and someone was in the water pulling it as they swam. When Ron reached the boat I let out a thank you prayer, but then I noticed the boys were still in the water swimming toward the dock. Ron had taken the helm and it looked as if he was drifting with the current. I was totally confused. Why were the boys swimming and not in the boat? Was the motor running? Were they going to swim to shore and then get help for Ron?

Finally I heard laughter and saw them floating on their backs flipping over often and talking casually to each other. I think they thought that if Ron had swum out they should be able to swim in….boys !

My Interpretation:

There is something inside each man (boy) that requires "danger" to make them feel alive. Well that's great for them but for the women watching it can be terrifying. Although I must admit, it made my heart swell up with pride and admiration. Maybe that's why we read in the Bible …men love your wives, wives respect your husband. I saw both my hubby's love for our son (and me) and my respect for him grew. Ain't love grand!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Relaxing at the lake with our loved ones!

My hubby and I are sitting in Lake Pitt ( a gas station and convenience store) hooking up with the Internet. That has been the only problem we have encountered while we are here at the lake. Not that we have to be on the Internet constantly, but we have grown fond of being able to keep in touch with everyone via the air waves. Our cell phones can't get a signal...just when I get a Blackberry too! What good has it done for me?

Our four sons and the grandbabies were with us the first three days and we enjoyed water skiing and swimming. But now they have all gone home and our youngest went back home to pick up some friends so they can ski and swim for the rest of the week. We know he is old enough to take the boat out on the lake without us, but boy does that seem weird! Our baby doesn't need us. We do pray a lot though that he will use his head when out on the water. Things can happen so fast and someone could get hurt. But we have faith him and in HIM.

Our grandson caught his first fish! I wish I could show you the picture but that will have to wait unitl I get home. We were all screaming like the child had just won the lottery. He kept the fish out so long so we could see it that it died before we got it back in the water. Poor thing!

I know I have said this so many times, enjoy your family...TODAY! At Clyde's funeral, I watched three of his four sons standing side by side and looking lovingly at their mother. One son was missing. I remembered Clyde and Joanne telling us that their son David died some twenty years ago. Life happens and so quickly a young man's life was shortened and his parents grieved for many months and years. Now Clyde is rejoicing with his son in heaven. In his son's place stood his friend, Jimmy. Even though David had been gone twenty years, his memory is forever sketched into Jimmy's heart and now he held back the tears just as a son would.

My hubby and I talked today in the quietness of the pool...we were the only ones there...about enjoying every moment as it happens. Not thinking about what we were going to do in a few hours or a few days; but being focused on the present. The present is a gift, a precious awakening of the soul to the love flowing one to another. I love that feeling. God is with us and we so grateful for His love and through His love we can love more deeply and passionately, for God is love.

My Interpretation:

When I live in the present, I embrace the present God has given me, my family!

Friday, July 3, 2009

A tribute to a godly man, Clyde Spence

Yesterday evening Joanne called to tell me her husband was in his last few hours here on earth and she knew he would want to see my husband. As we entered his room, I was reminded how life is but a breath and we should enjoy every moment we have with our loved ones. My hubby loves to read Ecclesiastes and so did Clyde. Here is a passage that helps us to make sense of life.

Ecclesiastes 3

A Time for Everything

1 There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven:

2 a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,

3 a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,

4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,

5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain,

6 a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,

7 a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,

8 a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peacce.

Clyde was called home in the early hours of this day, July 3, 2009. He was a wonderful friend and mentor to my husband. A couple of years ago Clyde asked him to be a pall bearer with his 3 sons and 2 grandsons. This is an honor that humbles my husband. You never know how much you mean to people. Joanne also asked my husband to say a few words at the grave yard service. May God give him the words to say that will encourage Clyde's family!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Beautiful Ohio!

What a wonderful trip to Ohio! All of my siblings (there are 6 of us) gathered at my parents for a summer time party and most of their children came too. My children were not able to be there. So here's the list: Sister C and her husband, her three daughters and husbands/boyfriend with five little ones (and one on the way); my brother and four of his six children, my sister from Texas, her husband and son, my sister from Delaware, Ohio, her husband and two of her children, my brother from Lebanon, Ohio and his three children. That's 33…and then my aunt and cousin came…35 of us! It was noisy, fun and you could feel the energy of love!

I have not lived in my home town for over 15 years and only a few times have we gathered there during the summer at my parent's house. We have gone to the beach several times as a group and to the mountains, but with mom and dad getting older it's easier on them for us to go to Ohio. I had forgotten just how beautiful Ohio is and I'll download the pictures soon.

We did have a scare on our way there. I called my mom to tell her our estimated arrival time and she seemed a little disoriented. She was talking slow and couldn't remember my husband's name. We've been married for 26 years! She told me her fingers were going numb and she thought maybe she had a stroke. I called my sister who went to their house and they called the squad. It wasn't a stroke but they think a seizure. I hope she tells her heart doctor because it really sounds like she is not getting enough oxygen to her brain. She said she has told her doctor that recently but he didn't think it was anything. Hope he's right. She was fine within a few hours and she will have a follow up in the next week.

It is so relaxing being around people who love you no matter what. They know the good, the bad and the ugly of me and may even at times get upset with me, but their love covers a multitude of sin. We are blessed to be a part of a God fearing family for when we go through crisis, such as divorce, job loss or when Jamie and Brittany were called home to be with the Lord, we have the common thread of prayer and the strength of the Lord to get us through. I am so thankful God put me in this family and I only pray they feel the same.

My Interpretation:

There is a marvelous ethos that has been created within my family that gets better and better each year.