We arrived early at the Bed and Breakfast in Orange, Virginia. It is an old mansion on an Italian Plantation. You feel as if you are going to a castle where you will be the princess and the prince will take you in his arms and carry you to the most romantic roo
m. Well it would have been that way except I thought we would want our privacy and so I chose the old schoolhouse. The inn keeper opened the door to our intimate house for the next two days and I noticed my husband was looking...looking for what? The TV! It just happened to be March Madness and there was no TV which I thought would drive him mad. He remained cool and collected but as soon as the inn keeper left he had a few insights to share with me.
Not that he wanted to spend very much time in front of the television set but he did want to watch just one game that happened to begin at 9:00 PM. In order for him to watch UNC play we had to go to the 'mansion' which the inn keepers were fine to indulge us this one favor. Everyone else went to bed ...I guess the whole romantic get-a-way got to them, and at half time doors were being locked and lights turned off. Our signal that it was time for us to go back to the schoolhouse. Fortunately the game was a blowout and we didn't need to watch the second half.
It was very quiet and serene in our small quarters. We watched the flames dance in the fireplace as we listened to Frank Sinatra crooning out love songs, ate strawberries covered in chocolate and held each other tight. Life and love is good when celebrating your 26th wedding anniversary. When we have gone away to other places that had a TV, we rarely turned it on. We prefer reading and looking out over the ocean, so please don't think we are attached to games and such more than spending quiet time alone. But not having the option forced us to think about how we do like to sit in front of the wide screen and be entertained. Not a good thing...but not necessarily a bad thing either. Sometimes we just need to stop thinking about everything going on in our lives and watch others run up and down the court chasing a round ball. A mindless task to me, but not so for my husband who would like to do the same.
Our favorite time over the weekend was visiting a church and singing to the top of our lungs praises to God. We weren't expected to do anything but rejoice with our fellow believers giving honor and glory to the King! It refreshed our souls and brought us into His presence. God spoke to us individually and as a couple and we thank Him for giving us each other wrapped in His love. Oh' it is so good to feel loved!
My Interpretations:
Mindless is good, romance is better, but praising God is the best!
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