Sunday night we started the study, "Attending the Bride of Christ" Preparing for His return. It was like sitting around the dinning room table with your friends talking about wedding preparations and what role we will play. Are we the friend of the bridegroom, the bride, or the bridal attendant...or are we all three? That's what we are going to learn about this week. It is a wonderful study and since this is the second time I am doing it, I am learning even more.
Have you ever thought of your relationship with the Bridegroom, Jesus? You, if you are a believer, are part of His church which is His Bride. So we have a relationship with Him individually and yet we are His bride collectively. He has gone to prepare a place for us and will some day come back for us. That is when the Father says the room is ready and the bride is ready. The symbolism between the Jewish marriage and wedding feast to Jesus and His bride is exciting and opens the eyes of your heart.
Check out Martha Lawley's website, . We are doing the study at church but you can do it on your own; I did the first time. Familiar verses will take on new meaning. Enjoy!
Hebrews 1:1-4 In God alone we trust!
1 day ago
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