Putting together a power point for the Senior Saints at my church, was such a joy for me. The pictures of years gone by, were place side-by-side with recent photos. Some of the older ladies in my church were down right gorgeous! They could have won beauty contests and gone on to be movie stars, but they chose to be mothers and nurses, teachers and mill workers. Their faces are still beautiful but they also have a beauty that emanates from their hearts . They are kind and compassionate and so non-judgmental. They have lived their lives with integrity and their children call them blessed. Even if they have anything in their past that would embarrass them, I don't know about it and I don't want to know about it, for I can see Christ living in them and working through them.
Wonder what my face will look like when I am in my eighties? More important, will there be beauty in my heart. Some days I imagine my older life and I always think of me and my man cuddling up together on the beach. Of course both of us are in good shape and look fantastic for really old people. Ha! Ha! Our love is strong and we hold hands as we walk along talking about our hopes and dreams....the ones fulfilled and the ones yet to be dreamed. My heart is overflowing with love for my children and grandchildren and everyone is together and happy. Life is always good in my dreams. Actually, real life isn't too bad either!
My Interpretation:
A pretty face would be nice, but a beautiful heart filled with God's love is worth more than silver and gold!
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