I have been working with my sons who are 24, 36 and 38 in the big city and I so enjoy the different conversations that are tossed about like a pitch and catch game. Back and forth, back and forth, dropping the conversation to answer the phone and then picking it right back up. It is invigorating to be with them and their friends as they discuss new business ventures and make strategic plans to get them up and running.
Recently I was invited to join them as they met with a group of 30 somethings to discuss an initiative to help the Boys and Girls Club in their area. They were all so very nice and seemed to have such good hearts as they wanted to offer their assistance by using their talents and skills used in their various businesses to bring about a product that could help TB&GC. As I looked around the table I wondered what their backgrounds were as far as their beliefs. Well, I soon found out.
One of the members was unable to attend and in order to describe him to the others the leader said, "He's a red head! And he is THE Christian!" My son asked what he meant by that and the reply given was, "Well you know we say we are Christians but he is a real Christian." His tone of voice told me that he admired his friend and I really want to ask what was so different about him, but it wasn't the time or place. But I do hope I meet him someday.
I have thought about that one sentence over and over and I have told several people about this young man I do not know. I also wonder if anyone would ever say that about me....without me telling them first that I am a Christian. Could they tell that I am sold out to the ways of Christ by my behavior? Do the words I speak influence them to want to know more about Christianity or does it make them turn and run? What makes this young man so different than his friends who call themselves Christians? Maybe if I brought to my mind everyday that I am an ambassador of Christ, I would act accordingly. Lord, help me!
Hebrews 1:1-4 In God alone we trust!
1 day ago
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