Life isn't always the way you want it to be, although sometimes it is much better than what you thought it would be, but usually you have to have the right attitude and just suck it up! I spent a good portion of my morning talking to a young woman whom I have known for 10 years. She is not yet 25 and her life, like so many of us, has had it's ups and downs, and flips and dives.
Talking to her about getting her life in order, whatever that means, reminded me of the years I was in a daze. Oh' I knew about Jesus. I don't remember a time in my childhood that I didn't hear about him, but there is a moment when I felt like God Himself was speaking to me and saying He had had enough of my ways and He was bringing me back to Him. It was scary at first, but then I reasoned that it was just in my mind. Well, it made an impression on me and after that, every time I decided to 'sin' I was well aware that it was wrong. I wish I could tell you that I stopped and thought about the consequences but ...nope...I just kept on going.
Thank God He had plans for my life and when I finally understood that He was pursuing me, not because I am special but because He is special, I felt loved for being just me. I have loving parents but somewhere I heard negatives about myself and I thought those words were true and I lived them out. I hope I can convince my young friend that God loves her just the way she is and when others tell her she is nothing, she will not believe them. The bruises she wears is not because of who she is but because those people do not know whose she is. For she is the daughter of the Most High God.
Hebrews 1:1-4 In God alone we trust!
1 day ago
What good advice. I hope it has an impact!