Sunday, December 27, 2009

Wrightsville Beach, Shell Island Resort, December 27, 2009


Ron and I took a walk on the beach this afternoon. The sun was shining and even though it was 48° it wasn't warm to me. I wore my jacket with a hood lined in fur. Yes, I did get some looks as if I came from the tropics and this was very cold to me. In the ocean you could see men dressed in wet suits trying to catch a wave as they rode their surf boards. The waves were not huge by any stretch of the imagination but they seemed to be enjoying themselves. They were using paddles as they stood on their boards; something I have not seen before.


The beach is so white that it looks like the dessert or in some places as snow. The seagulls swim close to the green water in a line as if they are surfing the waves too. Off in the distance the water is blue and you can barely tell where the ocean ends and the sky begins. The white clouds fill the sky and look like cotton candy …it is absolutely beautiful. We were able to walk on an area of the sound where there is normally water but for some reason the water had receded and made designs in the sand. I know people probably wondered why I was taking pictures of the sand, but nature has a way of making the most intricate designs that man can only imitate.


When the ocean waters covered the sand, I looked at that as being the most beautiful sight. Sand is pretty but it doesn't compare to the water. But then when the water was taken away, it is like God says, "look under the cover and see that beauty is also there. Beauty is not just on the surface but under the surface. Maybe even more so.

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